More information

Fees and reimbursements

Visits or calls with the GP do not cost any money if you have a Dutch health insurance. These appointments are covered by health insurance. Additional services such as blood tests, STD tests, X-rays, medications and visits to a specialist after referral are covered by an annual deductible. You are responsible for paying this yourself. The maximum is €385 for all of 2024, unless you have changed it yourself with your health insurance. The local government also sometimes offers reimbursements for care, transport and other items that the GP does not cover.

Your data

Everything you discuss with the doctor remains confidential. The GP will never share your information with others without asking you first. Sometimes, the GP needs to provide your information to the pharmacy , another GP practice, or hospital. But this only happens with your permission. For more information about what we do and do not do with your data, read our privacy statement.  


We want to do our very best for you. If you are not completely satisfied with our practice or have any complaints, we would like to hear from you. Please discuss your complaint with your GP. If that is not possible or you do not want to discuss with the GP directly, then you can submit your complaint here

Reliable medical information:

There is a lot to be found on the internet about illness and health. Not all of this information is correct. For reliable information, visit or Or ask your question via an e-consultation. 

Practice closed

The practice will be closed on Wednesday the 9th of October due to private circumstances. Do you have an urgent medical question that cannot wait until the next day? Please contact De Singel Huisartsen, praktijk Weijenborg, on telephone number 071-523 58 66. We will be open again on Thursday, the 10th of October from 8:00 am.

Training practice

We supervise medical interns during their GP-residency. It is possible your first contact by phone or in-person is with the intern. Every contact is supervised by the GP and during in-person visits you will always see the GP after the initial contact with the intern. If you do not want this, please let us know in advance.